Ar 23 TachwedOn the 23rd of November MPC Birmingham and MPC Walsall were invited to visit RAF Cosford organised by Flight Lieutenant Katie Sheppick. This was the first opportunity to visit an RAF location in a very long time. Learners were shown all the fantastic opportunities available to them when choosing a career in the RAF. The day started with a photo of the whole group then led into an RAF Regiment presentation, RAF Regimental PT including casualty drags, circuit activities and finishing with a team casualty evacuation challenge. Learners really pushed themselves on this and thoroughly enjoyed the interaction and support from the RAF Regiment throughout. They then presented all learners with some token gifts to take away with them. They were extremely impressed with our learners resilience and commitment throughout the session, saying that this was one of the most engaged groups they have taken through this challenging session.

Following this all learners were invited for a slap-up meal in the Cookhouse following their hard work. The food was delicious, and learners really appreciated what had been provided for them. They also had an opportunity to talk to the RAF Regiment and other RAF staff about their careers.
Moving into the afternoon learners visited 4 specific trade areas of the RAF, this included Weapons Technicians, Engineering and Avionics who provided learners with the opportunity to sit in aircraft and learn about how they work. One of the highlights was also a visit to the survival team, looking at the kit and equipment pilots use in survival situations and having an opportunity to sit in a survival raft and try on parachutes. Even Operations Manager Luke Seal took the opportunity to sit in a fighter jet.

All in all, it was a fantastic visit, and we are very much looking forward to future visits planned for MPC Wolverhampton, MPC Stoke on Trent, MPC Wrexham and MPC Bangor.
Regional Operations Manager for the Central region Pete Leak said, “What an amazing opportunity for our learners on what was a very busy and thoroughly engaging event. I would like to thank all RAF personnel involved for their time and professionalism to put on such a fantastic and informative event for our learners. It was amazing!”