Robustness is one of our Core Values and is frequently chosen by Learners as their favourite Core Value. Robustness doesn’t only relate to physical robustness, but mental robustness too. This other side to robustness is also often mentioned by Learners as something they learn when they attend MPCT. Mental resilience is taught to our Learners by our Instructors, something which is crucial and frequent media spotlight at the moment with the awareness of youth mental health on the rise. We are proud that MPCT supports Learners in this vital way, and we’ve provided some top tips taken from “Psychology Today” on improving mental robustness.
Find Meaning in Adversity- Every pain contains a lesson. Whether this be when you’re doing your physical training or you come across a challenge in the classroom, the trick is to learn from it. What does it mean? How can I do it better next time?
Build a Community of Support- We often hear from Learners that the friends they make at MPCT are more of a family than just friendship. let your team support and motivate you!
Be Hopeful- Hope, like hopelessness, is actually a choice. We all feel hopeless sometimes, whether it’s because you didn’t beat your 1.5 mile run time that week or that you just don’t feel like coming into college, it’s a temporary feeling. Resilient people do not define themselves by those momentary/temporary emotions. Choose to be hopeful and positive.
Focus on Gratitude- It takes ‘training’ to see the glass as half full, just as it take training to do a pull up. Begin your training right now. What one thing are you grateful for today?
Accept & Anticipate Change- It’s part of life- don’t let it throw you, whether this is change at college or at home. Make your goal to cope effectively instead of avoiding change, you’ll have built up the very important traits of resilience and robustness.
Click HERE to read the original article.
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