Every July, Samaritans organises a campaign called “Talk To Us” to raise awareness of the services the organisation provides within local communities and to highlight that they are available to help “for anyone who needs someone to listen, 24/7, without judgement or pressure”.
In the month, on 24 July, 24/7 Samaritans Awareness Day takes place as a means of encouraging anyone who may need to help to reach out to the charity for support.
MPCT understand there is still stigma and misunderstanding about mental
health in society and the workplace. Increasing awareness of mental health across MPCT can help break the silence and build a more open and inclusive culture.
MPCT has a positive mental health approach and understands it is
everybody’s responsibility to be mindful of mental health. Everyone experiences different life changes and challenges, and may occasionally need help to cope with them.
If you are worried about a person in your life – whether they are a friend, family member or colleague – you can make it clear that you are there for them by asking them to tell you how they are feeling and by encouraging them to speak to a Samaritans volunteer.
Samaritans are available to listen 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
Call free on 116 123.