On Tuesday 22nd of October 2019, Military Preparation Colleges Newport and Cardiff hosted yet another VIP visit and made everyone at MPCT incredibly proud.
This time, it was Captain P Viney RN (CNR), Commander Rachel Smallwood (SO1 Plans & Policy) CNR) & Lt Col M Scanlon RM turn to be impressed by our Learner’s presentations, active demonstrations, icebreakers and delivery of the IF poem.
Captain P Viney congratulated each group of Learners and commented that:
you are an inspiration, and I would happily have you all at HMS Raleigh. You are at such a level it is equal to week six in basic training.
To round the visit off, Captain Viney and Commander Rachel Smallwood held a closed Q&A with a group of Learners that are in the recruitment process or considering a career in the Royal Navy.
What a fantastic opportunity for the Learners with aspirations of joining the Royal Navy to speak directly with the Director of Naval Recruiting.
The day was in huge success and the Staff and Learners of MPCT Newport and Cardiff showcased the very best that MPCT has to offer.
The purpose of the visit was to further foster the working relationship between the Royal Navy and MPCT, a relationship which is growing ever stronger by the minute.
You can see more from the day by following this link RN & RM Visit MPCT Newport 22nd Oct 19
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