Gwobr Etifeddiaeth Diana
Llongyfarchiadau i Mr Alex Anderson, sydd wedi mynd o nerth i nerth ers gadael MPCT, ar ennill Gwobr Etifeddiaeth Diana
Darllen MwySince its formation in 1999, the Motivational Preparation College for Training (MPCT) has been dedicated to offering opportunities to young people through training and education.
MPCT is a thriving and distinguished training provider having been graded as ‘Outstanding’ in all areas by Ofsted. MPCT’s vision is to deliver outstanding quality of education programmes in every region of the United Kingdom.
Darllen MwyMPCT’s vision is to deliver transformational education. MPCT will achieve this by positive performance management; which promotes an inspirational coaching & learning culture resulting in better citizens.
Our mission is to engage, motivate and educate in order to achieve excellence for all. We do this in an environment that is caring, supportive, safe and positive.
Mae Blaenoriaethau Strategol a Datganiad Gweledigaeth newydd MPCT yn gosod cwys glir i’w dilyn. Mae’r ddau yn cyd-fynd a Chenhadaeth, Ethos a Bwriad Cwricwlwm MPCT.
Llongyfarchiadau i Mr Alex Anderson, sydd wedi mynd o nerth i nerth ers gadael MPCT, ar ennill Gwobr Etifeddiaeth Diana
Darllen MwyY mis hwn, ymunodd MPCT Sunderland â Chlwb Pêl-droed Sunderland i helpu i wirio pasbortau Covid y dorf wrth iddynt
Darllen MwyRydym yn gobeithio ailddechrau digwyddiadau wyneb yn wyneb cyn gynted â phosibl!